election day diary, returns edition

8:05pm Holy god, they aren’t calling Mississippi and Alabama right away? I might yet get my BLOODBATH! In other news, of course Pennsylvania went to Obama, it was polling nearly the same as Michigan and Wisconsin. Thank you for acknowledging that, NBC.

8:13pm THANK YOU, KAY HAGAN! BOOYAH, LIDDY DOLE! BITE ME, JOE LIEBERMAN! In other news, is Shep still going rogue?!

8:25pm The Chinese food delivery person basically ran up to our door, said ‘We’re VERY busy tonight!’ and grabbed the check slip to dash back to the still-running car. Yum, americanized Chinese food!

9:01pm I’m glad to see that the shenanigans around Detroit didn’t make the presidential race competitive there, I have to admit I was a little worried this morning. Also, they are not calling Arizona yet! Woot! Shep just introduced Karl Rove as the architect of something, and I swear I thought it was going to be ‘of McCain’s demise.’ Seems like everyone’s calling Georgia for McCain, which probably means a runoff for the senate seat.

9:19pm OHIO! How sweet was it to hear Shep Smith say ‘There is NO PATH TO THE WHITE HOUSE FOR MCCAIN without Ohio.’

9:35pm We are going to the new bar near our house to celebrate with the masses! Also with big TVs and cable!

10:55pm Virginia goes to Obama! Everybody in the bar cheers! There is lots of speculation about whether Obama will just declare himself the winner before the polls close or what (we wish).

11pm The polls on the west coast close and the bar erupts into cheering and yelling and screaming and clapping and that is why I needed to be somewhere with other people! We listen to McCain’s surprisingly normal-sounding concession (where was this McCain for the past 6 months?) and then we all start crying and clapping and cheering when Obama starts speaking and Jesse is there and everything is just totally surreal and not yet sunk in.

12:30am We keep hoping they will call Indiana, but they haven’t yet. Everybody leaves after we all hug each other and shake hands and congratulate each other and remark upon the enormity of the first black president of the United States. Also we express the desire to be at the White House and regret that the metro isn’t running because it’s a weekday. Instead, we walk home and I have my partner take my picture with our Obama yard sign.

1:15am I am still really wishing we still lived a mile north of the White House so we could join the ecstatic crowds down there! And also waiting for the Indiana result to be finalized; it’s been holding at 99% reporting and a 20k gap for a while now.

election day diary, returns edition

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