first peony of the year


This morning delivered the first peony bloom of the summer. The bloom is on the plant that came with the house, and there are a dozen or so more buds to look forward to. While the transplanted peonies seem to have survived, they are unlikely to bloom this year. My grandmother claims that peonies are hard to kill, which is heartening. I’m willing to wait a couple of years for them to start blooming; I’m hopeful that they’ll fill out into a nice drift against the fence.

In other garden news, weeding continues apace. Every single week I am newly amazed by how long it takes to clear each small patch of ground. This weekend a friend came over and helped us clear some stumps and liriope out from under the large holly tree. Once I get the remaining roots up, I’ll boost the soil and then transplant the lilies of the valley from around the yard into that area. That whole process should only take, oh, about 15 or so person hours of labor. After which we’ll start on the beds along the other fence. Each week, we are reminded of how hard the town public works staff labors, as they take away huge piles of roots and weeds and vines and branches each time we put in an hour of work on our yard. I really need to take them over some tasty baked goods one of these days.

Since it’s been raining, I put some indoor time toward creating an index of the plants currently in the yard, as part of my effort to track the progress on our house. Unfortunately my camera was out for repair when the spring flowers were blooming, so photos of those will have to wait until next year.

first peony of the year

spring is sprung & yard work has begun

All of a sudden, this past week, flowers are popping up all over the place: from the ground, on trees, and all over previously skeletal shrubs. We didn’t see our neighborhood at this time last year; the major tree flowering fell in between our first visit to the house and when we moved in the following month. My parents also missed this by a couple of weeks on their recent visit; because the winter was a regular (i.e. cold) one, the early blooming of the past few years didn’t happen. Our dogwood hasn’t bloomed yet, either, and I’m looking forward to that.

It’s really quite pretty, and it’s easy to see why the Bradford pear trees were such a popular choice for the town now that they’re in full bloom. Because of the cold winter the azaleas haven’t bloomed yet, but the forsythia and cherry trees are also in bloom this week. Before moving out here, I didn’t have any allergies: now I have them for these three weeks each spring, when the pollen count goes through the roof. I maintain that they’re not technically allergies, but just a completely predictable and healthy reaction to having my internal head membranes become coated in plant dust.

All these flowers serve as a reminder that spring is really and truly here, and the time to take advantage of weak root structures and soft earth is now. ‘Ivy, begone!’ is the theme of this season’s yard improvement project plans. In practical terms, we’re trying to fill our two trash cans with yard debris (old wood, pulled up weeds, pulled down ivy) every pickup (twice per week) from now until all we’re left with is the lovely mundanity of side beds that are weed-free, soil-treated, and mulch-covered.

With a little luck, that will be sometime before next winter. If that’s all we accomplish this summer and don’t plant a single new thing in our yard, I will still be ecstatic.

spring is sprung & yard work has begun