Fox News : still a GOP patsy

Either J-hole Jindal or Fox News — or both, most likely — need a refresher on what happens after the President signs pieces of paper that are submitted to him by Congress. Because no one is ‘taking on the spending bill’ anymore, but one big bobble-headed blatherer in particular is talking smack about blocking access to federal funds to which citizens are entitled by law. That is — I hope — what the headline would be if it were Jennifer Granholm in Michigan. Can you imagine? No. You can’t, because that would be crazy talk for a Governor of a state with high unemployment, no industry, and lots of people needing housing assistance. Oh. Wait. Huh.

This, my friends, is the Bush legacy. Hyperbole, irrationality, and just plain idiocy. But you know this, man.

Fox News : still a GOP patsy

Buy Nothing Day

Today is international Buy Nothing Day. I encourage you to celebrate it this year in remembrance of Jimmy Damour, if for no other reason.

On a separate note, over the past few weeks I’ve fallen into a blogging black hole, for which I sincerely apologize to my loyal reader(s). No excuse, really, just a busy month. I have several posts on deck, most of them about food, as I’ve spent much of the past few weeks processing food in various ways. So I’ll get to those and fill in some of the dead space and hopefully have new things to write about this coming month.

Buy Nothing Day

may you live in interesting (financial) times

Here’s what I’m thinking: let’s sort out the questions of who defrauded whom of what before we start buying up worthless stocks willy nilly, shall we? The administration surely couldn’t want us to approve this enormous allocation of funds for liars and crooks. As several Senators posited yesterday, it’s not like the entire $700 billion-with-a-B is going to be spent in the next three months, right?

Unless folks are simply trying to enact a major public money grab ahead of official findings in criminal investigations and a handover of control of the government. That would be beyond the pale, though. You’d have to be a real crackhead to suspect something like that might be going on.

may you live in interesting (financial) times

don’t let them kill our wolves, government dudes!

Over the past 13 years, the federal government has spent $27 million on the restoration of gray wolves in the United States. Western states have also spent money, although it’s hard to identify the costs related to wolf reintroduction specifically versus things like public land management and rangers generally. With about 1,500 gray wolves now living in the lower 48 states as a result of this program, the publicly owned animals have a value of about $18,000 each: about what it would cost to buy a regular thoroughbred race horse.

Please, government officials unto whom we entrust the responsibility of wise management of public resources: do not allow folks to kill our valuable public property for anything less than $18,000 cash in hand.

don’t let them kill our wolves, government dudes!