Fox News : still a GOP patsy

Either J-hole Jindal or Fox News — or both, most likely — need a refresher on what happens after the President signs pieces of paper that are submitted to him by Congress. Because no one is ‘taking on the spending bill’ anymore, but one big bobble-headed blatherer in particular is talking smack about blocking access to federal funds to which citizens are entitled by law. That is — I hope — what the headline would be if it were Jennifer Granholm in Michigan. Can you imagine? No. You can’t, because that would be crazy talk for a Governor of a state with high unemployment, no industry, and lots of people needing housing assistance. Oh. Wait. Huh.

This, my friends, is the Bush legacy. Hyperbole, irrationality, and just plain idiocy. But you know this, man.

Fox News : still a GOP patsy

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