see you at the Kennedy Center, Mr. President

Tonight we’re seeing Swan Lake performed by the American Ballet Theater at the Kennedy Center. Will you join us, Mr. Obama?

I was heartened to see that President Obama took his family to see the recent Alvin Ailey production and actually made use of the reserved presidential box at the Kennedy Center. I love Alvin Ailey performances, and remember how rewarding it was to share that experience with my partner for the first time. I can only imagine how much more enjoyable it would be to watch the reactions of your children to such an amazing and historic performance. Attending theater, dance, and musical performances with my parents was something I always loved as a child, even — especially — when I had no idea what to expect. That sense of surprise and wonder is something I retain; I am always happy to see new companies or performances and find it very easy to accept anything that is presented to me with good humor, much more so than with the arts than with the vagaries of life.

So, while I’m certainly personally interested in being in the same audience as the President and believe that Swan Lake, I hope the Obamas will decide to attend for the sake of the performance itself. And maybe afterwards, we can go out for coffee and talk about it.

see you at the Kennedy Center, Mr. President

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